
To Reason

Essentially there are two ways to reason; from wonder and awe (curious) or through rationality.  When we reason through wonder and awe we are like the child; open to possibility.  When we reason through rationality we often overlook the wonderful things life has to offer. Obviously there are times to stand in wonder and awe, […]

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Starting at the Top

As we set our intentions for what we want to be, do and have being clear is essential; clear to the point of actually envisioning ourselves doing, being or having.  But it is not enough to vision our dreams and dream of ourselves in that place, there are also steps to take to actually being

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Our Journey

What is the purpose of life?  Why do we walk this planet?  What is happiness?  Philosophers over the eons have pondered these questions; poets and romantics have filled countless volumes with their thoughts too.  Do you have an answer to these questions you are comfortable about?  The reason I ask is because it is my

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