
That’s just the way it is

If you want to stop dead in your tracks in your happiness, say the words “That’s just the way it is.”  Saying these words (and as we know, words have power) means you are not willing to even consider that things could be different. My belief is that real change will not take place in […]

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But, what if…

But what if our view of a situation is incorrect; not because we are wrong, but simply because we are not seeing the whole picture?   But what if we are viewing events not as they are today, but through the lens of things that happened years ago? But what if we did not truly

But, what if… Read More »


Oscar Wilde is often quoted as saying “The English and the Americans are two people separated by a common language.”  Anyone who has the privilege of travel understands the truth in this statement.  Two people speaking the same words (or similar words) cannot understand each other.  This is exactly what my new book Bear and

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Is it too simple to be true?

The theory of Occum’s Razor which dates back to the 1300’s is that “among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” Obviously we cannot date this idea to a specific point in time, we can presume people understood this long before an English Franciscan friar put it into a form we

Is it too simple to be true? Read More »