
Jumping the fence

When we were little kids an obstacle was no problem, we simply jumped over the fence, or gate or sleeping dog.  As we added years to our count, for some reason we begin to forget that an obstacle is not a roadblock if we are committed to moving forward. Discernment I try to view an obstacle as […]

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I wish

I wish I were the person my dog thinks I am.  It doesn’t matter if this morning I left without a proper good-bye, he is happy to see me in the evening.  If the food I served him was not up to par, he doesn’t seem to care.  When I yell at him for what

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Where there is no trail

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote; Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.”  Ponder that for a moment or two, what does it mean to you?   For me it means recognizing that I may not be everyones cup of tea, heck I am certain

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Help, I am disconnected!

I started to post this blog last night only to discover my server was down.  Is this the modern equivalent of the old “the dog ate my homework?”  Even a low-tech savvy person such as myself can feel disconnected when this happens; what must it be like for someone who takes instant communication not only

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