
Discovery of love

When we hear the word love each of us has an image that pops into our heads.  The discovery that love has so many aspects is often a surprise to us.   Types of love. Love may first seem to us to be only the romantic version.  Two people who have that indefinable attraction that […]

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Hell is the place…..

Hell is the place where you get everything you want.  Heaven is the place you get everything you need. Before you go all Biblical on me, consider this thought; what if you did live in a place where your every wish was met; where every time you put a quarter in a slot machine you

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New Eyes

Marcel Proust is quoted as saying “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”  Wow, just sit with that thought for a moment: we do not have to go anywhere to encounter a discovery worth noting, we do not have to spend money or hire an exotic

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Imagine That!

Can you imagine what it was like to live in a time when the earth was flat, the sun revolved around the earth and it was impossible for humans to fly except in mythology? The truth is those days and these days are not all that different.  The people I have described were people of

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