
Being courageous

Being courageous is a continuation of my writing from last Friday about courage. Being courageous in your life The prerequisite to loving any other person is to love yourself first.  This is no easy task.  It seems like every time we turn-around someone is offering us a reason not to love ourselves.  They will tell you […]

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Hell is the place…..

Hell is the place where you get everything you want.  Heaven is the place you get everything you need. Before you go all Biblical on me, consider this thought; what if you did live in a place where your every wish was met; where every time you put a quarter in a slot machine you

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Keep Knocking

“Ask and it is given”, “knock and the door will be opened.” These are phrases and thoughts we may have learned during  our early years from biblical sources.  But what happens when we ask, or we knock, and before we can be answered, or before the door is opened we walk away.  We do not

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