Amazon books

The future

Nothing happens in the future. No, I am not being a fatalist, nor predicting doom and gloom.  What I am saying is that the future does not exist except as a concept.  Things happen in the now; right now, and not a moment later.  This moment, this very moment you are looking at this word […]

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Defending Myself

It seems to me that almost every conflict stems from feeling the need to defend ourselves.  I say “feeling the need” to defend ourselves; very often there is no need to defend ourselves, it sometimes just feels that way.  This stems from an insistence that we must be right and someone else must be wrong.

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Listening Ahead

When I find myself listening to some else speak one of the things I have to remind myself not to do is to listen ahead.  Not to shut out what is being said in favor of reaching my own conclusions before the other person is finished saying what they have to say. In my book Bear

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Do I Have Faults?

Do I have faults?  Some might want to jump in here and list all my attributes that they see as my faults, but as with most things there are two sides to the question of what is a fault. If you, like me, sometimes fall short of every good thing you can do in any

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Oscar Wilde is often quoted as saying “The English and the Americans are two people separated by a common language.”  Anyone who has the privilege of travel understands the truth in this statement.  Two people speaking the same words (or similar words) cannot understand each other.  This is exactly what my new book Bear and

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