
The inspirational gift

The most powerful gift we can give is the gift that inspires others to give.  The really cool part about this gift is that it will not cost you any money at all! Earth Day I am proud to say that I was part of the first Earth Day observance way back in April 1970. […]

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The pause that refreshes

I presume many of us are too young to recall that advertising slogan, but the reminder is still important; the reminder that once in a while it is essential that we pause our lives, our thinking, our talking and simply be. In the book Bear and Butterfly I give some reasons why it might be

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Industry of Fear

Advertising, movies, television, politics, big pharma and insurance companies are all examples of the Industry of Fear.  Those institutions and activities which have one driving force; to scare us into doing something they want. Education, housing, science, art and social responsibility are areas which do just the opposite; they are Industries of Possibility.  No wonder

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You are more!

Am I my job?  Am I my car?  Am I my house? Am I my income?  In every case the answer is a resounding NO!  You are more than our house, your car, your job or your income, yet sometimes we find ourselves identifying more with our stuff than who we are inside. Years ago

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