Isn’t it funny how when we were five years old the arrival of our birthday was something that could keep us up at night in anticipation of the magic day? “I am five!” we would proclaim to anyone within earshot. This continued for maybe twenty years until our birthdays became just another day, maybe a party, but for the most part nothing special. Then for some of us the arrival of the 30 anniversary of our birth also kept us up at night, for a totally different reason. Maybe it was your 40th or 50th, but somewhere along the line we actually begin to dread the arrival of that particular day. Then something magical happens, somewhere in the 60’s or 70’s we actually begin telling other people that we are 78 years young. We tell anyone within earshot of our accomplishment. We revert to a younger age!
Well, here I am on the birth anniversary which lets me officially join Social Security. I must admit I am not ready to stop any passer-by and announce the mark, but when I am asked if I qualify for the senior discount I am not bashful about taking it!
Recently a friend who was celebrating a birthday close to mine stood in front of the congregation and asked for our forgiveness. He said “If during this past year I have been inattentive to your needs, please forgive me, I promise to do better this next year.” I thought that was such a wonderful statement to make, and a great way to give a gift of the heart to everyone who heard it, so let me join my friend in saying to you, “Please forgive me if I have not been present for you sometime during this past year, I promise to do better this year.”