Finding Your Own Level

Well, just like about a billion of my closest friends I just finished watching the Super Bowl.  Team favorites aside, the lesson on display during the last half of the game was one to remember.  Down by over 20 points, history against them, odds against them, statistics against them, the Patriots never the less tied the game, sending it into overtime and then by sheer will won the game.  Even non-football fans have much to learn from the performance of the New England team.

When no one else in history has accomplished what you have set out to accomplish it only means no one else has done it YET.

When statistics say it cannot be done, it only means no one has done it YET.

When there is nothing remaining in your arsenal of plays except sheer determination to accomplish something, determination alone can be enough.

When statistics, history and odds say you have achieved your goal but there is still time remaining in the game you cannot sit back and depend upon your previous accomplishments to succeed, you must keep on-task.

I am not what anyone would consider an avid Football fan, yet this Super Bowl game, and even Lady Gaga, the half time entertainment, offered me life lessons to remember.  Lady Gaga has overcome the loss of her direction, the loss of her recording label, the loss of fan support, yet there she was, unbowed and shining.

I very much want to promote my latest book Bear and Butterfly at this moment, but I think the display we saw today more closely reflects the message I share in my book It’s All About Me.  Whose wisdom will you most take to heart, the nay-sayers or those who know that it is what is your heart will overcome all odds in the end?   Find your own level, not someone else’s level.  I tell you what; read both books!

         The Involved Observer