Your bank account is eternally funded. Your energy is eternally funded, in fact, everything about your life is funded beyond your wildest imagination.
What does this mean?
What does eternally funded mean? Have you ever woke up, started to put your feet on the floor and wonder if gravity is still in effect? Will you suddenly float out into space? I doubt you have had these thoughts, because gravity is always there for those of us who live on earth. If you have doubts that the Cosmos is a bountiful place which wants you to enjoy all there is to enjoy, it is very similar to questioning gravity.
All the things in life you want are there for your enjoyment. The very fact you can imagine some type of enjoyment means you are in line to step into that enjoyment right now. If it were not yours, you would not even conceive of that experience. This is what I mean when I say you are eternally funded. On every level of your life.
Putting your arms around it
The next step is to allow it into your life. Many times exactly what we have been seeking for the feeling of fulfillment has arrived, but we don’t recognize its arrival. In my book Think, Believe, Receive I go into some very specific ways you can recognize the funding you have been asking for has arrived. Sometimes though, we send mixed messages to the Cosmos about what we want. This results in an unrecognized delivery of exactly the gifts we have sought. When this happens, go back to square one and sharpen up what it is you seek. When you are crystal clear in what you want, and why you want it, delivery, the eternal funding, is so fast you will doubt it could be so very easy. That’s the way it is with the Cosmos– time doesn’t exist as we know it.
Rest assured, you are indeed eternally funded.