The value of positive thinking

Does positive thinking have any value?  Is it simply another way to say “wishful thinking”?  You know, I totally get that question.  By itself, positive thinking is not very successful.  One must also include positive action to be successful.

Making it work.

If you buy a lottery ticket and surround that ticket with positive thoughts are you guaranteed to walk home a millionaire?  Unlikely.  I personally purchase lottery tickets on a regular basis and have yet to hit the jackpot.  Even with years of practice in positive thought.  

As part of a training program I am taking I was sent a copy of the movie “The Secret,”  The promoters of this program seem to think all one has to do is watch a movie about how to think in a positive manner.  There is so much more to effective thinking than simply watching a movie or reading a book.  The missing component in making it work is understanding there is a power in the Universe that wants to help you achieve all you want to achieve.

Part of something much larger.

We are all part of an immense system of power.  This power works through us to produce results.  We can work with this unlimited system, or we can rely upon our energy.  Which do you think will be more effective in producing the results we desire?  I have written many posts about working with the Unlimited, and how often we get what we ask for but do not recognize the gift.  I have linked several blogs to this one so you can cast about and get a better idea of what I am speaking about.

Not recognizing our gifts.

Not recognizing we have gotten what we have asked for is the most common error we make.  The Universe never says NO, we simply expect what we want to arrive the way we want it to arrive.  If you think the answer has been NO, read my book Think, Believe, Receive and maybe you will see how truly blessed you are.  Click on the cover below and read a sample, then order your own copy as a reference when things seem not to be working.  

Think Believe Receive