Diminishing Returns

No, this blog is not about the number of returns being sent to the IRS, it is about how we can find ourselves working longer, and getting less from the effort. 

In a few days I will be heading to Akron, Ohio to work with the All American Soap Box Derby, one of the truly iconic events of America, dating back to 1934.  During that week hundreds of children and their families will be ‘topside’, working on their gravity powered race cars, bonding, as lifelong memories are established, and in some cases, getting so involved with the minutia of the program they miss the larger picture they are creating.  We sometimes do that at work too, getting so focused on solving an issue, we forget this single issue is part of a larger picture.  Despite all our efforts, we put in more and more hours, yet produce less.  

So what can we do about this tendency?  Always remember the context.  In my next book It’s All About Me, the Involved Observer,  I examine the undesirable side effects of forgetting why we are doing what we are doing.  I hope you will be on the lookout for It’s All About Me, and choose to support its publication very soon.

And I hope you will also join me as I share my realizations about children, families, and the Derby of

         Working longer does not mean we are working more effectively.  Remember the context!

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