Just in time

No matter what you seek, it can only appear just in time.  It cannot be rushed, it cannot be forced or short-circuited.   The frustration of manifestation. Whether you pray, wish, treat or visualize a dream, goal or experience, very often it seems the answer has been no.  Many of us think prayers (in whatever […]

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Lady Ashtar invites you

Lady Ashtar, Terrie Symons, has an invitation for you to join us at a life-changing weekend in Sedona, Arizona.  It’s called Love Ascension and Beyond, and you will want to be with us.  We will be listening to the wisdom of the eleventh dimension Ascended Master Ashtar, looking at how we communicate with each other,

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It’s your idea!

Everything is an idea.  How you feel is an idea, it is not something that can be quantified by anyone else.  What your future looks like is an idea.  No one else can predict what your future will be.  An idea is a thought in its infancy stage.  The most powerful tool you have is

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Releasing the past

The past is a wonderful thing to study, but releasing the past helps us live a more powerful life.  We learn from the past, we do not have to keep dragging the past around on our backs like useless baggage. How the past becomes baggage Each experience we have becomes a memory.  Some memories are

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UFO sightings

UFO sightings.  Are UFO’s real or a figment of imagination?  This is an opportunity to decide for yourself.  At Love, Ascension and Beyond in Sedona, Arizona you will be able to see for yourself.  Are they real?  Join Greg Sullivan, Lady Ashtar, Linda Lintvedt and myself as we explore the realms inside and out.  February

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Change your life?

In what ways do you dream of making a change in your life?  Is this year of 2018 going to be another year of the same-old-same-old?  When 2018 comes to its conclusion will you find yourself with the same unfulfilled dreams?  Will another list of resolutions end up on the trash pile?  Or, is this

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The Art of listening

Listening is an art, or at very least, an art form.  Most of us are sure we are very good at listening to others, but we don’t really hear them.  As an experienced public speaker I am often astounded after my talks by what others tell me they heard.  Many times I am told how

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Living in compassion

What is compassion?  How do we effectively live in compassion?  As defined in Websters Dictionary, compassion is sympathetic, consciousness of others distress.  Websters goes on to clarify that this consciousness is coupled with a desire to alleviate it.   To be sympathetic and conscious of another person’s distress is a wonderful thing.  Wanting to help alleviate

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Change me?

You changing me is not possible.  Me changing you is not possible.  We cannot change anyone else, only ourselves.  Think back over your lifetime,  has there been someone you have known you could help, if only they would behave the way you wanted them to?  If your relationship with this person is good, do you

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