My friend Ashtar

One of my dearest friends happens to be an Ascended Master by the name of Ashtar.   Ashtar is channeled by my beautiful bride, Terrie Symons.  Terrie and I will be in Sedona, Arizona on February 9, 10 & 11 with an event called Love, Ascension and Beyond.  I will be talking about better communication and manifesting our dreams.  Maybe we can even discuss one or more of my blogs.

We will be joined by our friends Linda Lintvedt, and Greg Sullivan.  Linda will be playing her amazing Symphonic Gong for our meditation sessions.  Greg will be taking us out into the field to view UFO’s.

Tickets are still available for this life-impacting weekend, and we would love to have you join us.  Please go to to order your full weekend passes, or a pass for Saturday only.  This weekend will change your life!

I will let Ashtar and Lady Ashtar tell you about it on video.