What’s in Store?

What is in store for 2017?  That is the question on most people’s minds, I think, right now.  I have done some contemplation and crystal ball gazing on this topic and I would like to share my insights about the coming year.

Seventeen things 2017 will bring you;

A deepening of your Spirit and Oneness with the Universe

An expanded  appreciation of yourself and how esssential you are to all of creation

True peace within yourself as you come to know you are not alone on this journey

A greater willingness to extend yourself, your love, to others

A more complete understanding of living in your integrity

The opportunity to expand your abundance beyond your dreams today

A quickening of the realization of the Love that is all around you

Freedom from fear

Clarity of your mission in this life

A Spiritual rebirth

A release of suffering and the need to suffer to prove your worthiness

The recognition that miracles do happen, to you, everyday

The capacity to see Spirit in all things big and small, “good” and “bad”

Finanacial freedom

 An expansion of your service to the world

Clarity of your heart and soul

The joy of stepping into each new day

All these things, and more good will be yours in 2017, if you accept the bounty of the Universe into your life.

Oh, and one more thing;  early in 2017 comes the release of my next book, Bear and Butterfly, which will help you overcome those  challenging relationship communication issues you have been wanting to release!  Watch for the announcement of its release then buy it on Amazon. Looks like a pretty good year ahead!


Happy New Year from Choiceful Living Seminars and Reverend Doctor Brian K, Graham