
Feeling optimistic

I am optimistic about the future of our young women.  Yes, I know there are so many reasons to be concerned about them; but we don’t have to go into them here.  What has me optimistic is my interaction with twenty two fantastic young ladies last night. Judging from the past Having come of age […]

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To be a man

To be a man today is a pretty complicated assignment.  What exactly is a man after all?  Who is the role model we seek to pattern ourselves after?  Is it the Rambo, shoot ’em-up guy?  Is it the John Wayne character, a little rough around the edges but with a firm moral compass?  Perhaps we

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Driving Me Crazy

When my beautiful Bride Terrie starts chattering at me about something on her mind I sometimes mentally run and hide because I know there will be about a zillion words coming my way, and I won’t know which ones to listen to.  I also know that when my beautiful Bride Terrie asks me a question

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Different Languages

Men and Women do not actually speak different languages, what is different is how the message of that language is delivered.  Working with different communication styles has been the journey I have been on while writing Bear and Butterfly, and I really want to share what I have learned with you. In Bear and Butterfly I break

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Oscar Wilde is often quoted as saying “The English and the Americans are two people separated by a common language.”  Anyone who has the privilege of travel understands the truth in this statement.  Two people speaking the same words (or similar words) cannot understand each other.  This is exactly what my new book Bear and

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