
Creatures of habit

Yep, humans are creatures of habit.  Why?  According to a book I am reading it is because thinking makes our brains use calories, and our self-protection mechanisms are built to conserve calories.  I guess that is why it is so hard to lose that stubborn fat around our middle section! The book I am reading […]

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Being lovable

How do you feel about being lovable?  Is it something you would rather not discuss about yourself because you fear being seen as self-centered?  Is this something you have even thought about?  Perhaps you gave up on the task a long time ago? Am I lovable? Not only are you lovable, you are loved.  Many of

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Once again I urge you to be aware of what is going on in our country today, but be easy with the events because through this seeming chaos comes change. As uncomfortable as this time might be we know we are going through a profound time of change, and change is seldom a comfortable experience.

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