
Magical Thinking

Simply put; magical thinking is believing that if I behave in alignment someone else’s idea of how I should behave my life will be wonderful.  All too often we fall into this trap, heavens knows I have done so many times.  The problem is magical thinking rarely produces anything other than resentment. The other side […]

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I am a fraud

I can look around me and see people I think have it all together, who have perfect lives and know exactly where they are going and what they will do when they get there.  These people scare me.   I look at my life and say to myself “I am a fraud; people think I

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I’m only Human

As we walk our path to IN-powerment we do so much wonderful work; we release others from responsibility for our experiences, we forgive others and ourselves for “missing the mark”, we reduce or eliminate the need to gossip, and we see the world through new eyes as being unlimited possibility.  Sometimes we fall short of

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