
A new era

These past year or so we have seen the beginning of a new era.  The opening of a new consciousness.  Funny thing is, we have seen this opening before.  I am referring to the call to stop living in fear. Living in fear When any being is living in fear it is impossible to grow. […]

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Once again I urge you to be aware of what is going on in our country today, but be easy with the events because through this seeming chaos comes change. As uncomfortable as this time might be we know we are going through a profound time of change, and change is seldom a comfortable experience.

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How Is It?

How is it that we can grow if we are glued to what has been?  How is it we can love an support another person if we insist they remain the same?  How is it we can expect to achieve our goals without changing who we are? OK, trick question.  We cannot grow stuck to

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