
Before you speak

Thinking before I speak has long been one of the things I have had on “to-do” list.  There are times my foot has been in my mouth so long it is starting to prune!  As usual, when I write these missives I am speaking as much, if not more so, to myself. Some “before you […]

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Remember these things

Do a thousand wonderful deeds plus one not so wonderful deed and what will you remember?  The one deed that did not live up to your own standards. The monkey mind We humans are so wonderful.  We do good things all the time, as we should.  We help others, we give to charity, we raise children

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To be a man

To be a man today is a pretty complicated assignment.  What exactly is a man after all?  Who is the role model we seek to pattern ourselves after?  Is it the Rambo, shoot ’em-up guy?  Is it the John Wayne character, a little rough around the edges but with a firm moral compass?  Perhaps we

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My enemy is my definition

Right off the bat I want to say I do not believe in an enemy.  I face the world knowing that it takes all kinds of people to make it go around.  Some of these people I agree with, others I do not agree with.  However, if I were to label someone as my enemy,

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In the Silence

Information comes at us at such an amazing pace these days; internet, television, radio, billboards, heck, even our phones are pumping information at us constantly.  Keeping in touch with the world is not an issue anymore; keeping in touch with ourselves has become our most pressing challenge.  We can loose ourselves in the sheer volume

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