rose colored glasses

You Are Perfect!

Now just hold on a moment, what do you mean I am perfect; my hair is too…. my legs are too…. my income is …….. I don’t have that someone special in my life, what do you mean I am perfect?  But you are perfect.  Tomorrow your hair might be exactly the way you want […]

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Let’s rehearse your troubles

OK, let’s begin the rehearsal.  Let’s say you have planned a flight  across the country. What if the plane is not on schedule?  What if you are late, will the rental car be there?  What if it is snowing when you get there.  What if your bags get lost, what are you going to do?  What if there is turbulence in flight, will

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Those rose colored glasses

I like to think of myself as a pretty positive guy.  When situations arise which are uncomfortable or not what I thought I would like to see or experience in my life I do tend to look for the bright side.  Some would say I wear rose colored glasses.  This is usually not said as

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