
The Age of Wind

  The age of wind begins today, depending upon what part of the world you find yourself.  Honestly, this is the first time I have heard of this age, but I am told it is akin to the Age of Aquarius.  From what I have heard as the great conjunction takes place in the skies […]

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Peace on Earth

Praying for peace on earth is a wonderful thing, but sitting in your room praying is not enough.  You see, there is already peace on earth, it is the actions of people that are not supporting peace on earth.  This is where we run into a duality of life; God, The Universe, All There Is,

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One can learn much from looking at the popular culture of a country, or generation.  Take, for instance, the popularity of zombies among a certain demographic of the United States.  How many movies, television shows and halloween costumes are zombie oriented?  What this reflects about this demographic (and I say this without judgement) is a

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Is it too simple to be true?

The theory of Occum’s Razor which dates back to the 1300’s is that “among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” Obviously we cannot date this idea to a specific point in time, we can presume people understood this long before an English Franciscan friar put it into a form we

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