
On being humble

How best to approach a blog on being humble?  We might begin with the standard dictionary definition: A) not proud or haughty.  B) Reflecting, expressing or offered in a spirit of diffidence or submission.  To my thinking neither of these definitions reflect the broader and true meaning. To be Humble For me the true definition […]

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The Need for Approval

Here’s one of those things I am not all that proud about; my quest for approval.  Know what I mean?  When you know what is the right thing to do yet you do something else simply because you believe it is what someone else wants?  Not a great feeling is it. Humans are, by nature,

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On Being Humble

For many of us the idea of being humble means feeling unworthy, insignificant, and perhaps even in submission to someone or something else. To “eat humble pie is to be forced into submission, apology or retraction.  Yes, these definitions are in the dictionary, but only as secondary definitions.  the primary definition is : not proud or

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