
I see no reason

If you see no reason to give thanks, the issue is no one’s but your own. Reasons to give thanks The very fact you may be agreeing or disagreeing with this statement is a reason to give thanks.  You are a thinking, breathing, live human being.  Give thanks for that.  If your life sucks, the […]

I see no reason Read More »

Valentine wishes

Here we are, Valentines Day 2018.  No other day of celebration is more associated with love, and heartbreak than this. I hate this day! Oh yes, you will hear many people saying they hate Valentines Day.  Some will be people who have no significant other in their lives to bring them candy, flowers and beautiful

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What is your resistance?

Want to see resistance pop up around you very quickly? Introduce change to your workplace. When what we believe comes up against a new way of believing, or just a new way of being, resistance is a very common result.  And it is not restricted to our workplace; resistance comes about with the PTA, the

What is your resistance? Read More »