
Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned […]

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It’s their lesson

One of the most difficult things we have to do, especially as parents, is watch someone we love learn a lesson.  We want those we love to have only positive  experiences as they go through life, so we want to meddle.  We want to ease their way, but sometimes the best thing we can do

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What Have We Learned?

There is nothing which happens that does not have a positive lesson somewhere within.  This week in America is no exception.  So what have we learned?  We have hopefully learned that the so-called experts in politics know little, if anything, more than you and I know.  Time has moved on and they are living in

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