
In memory of…

This Monday we in the U.S. will be in memory of those who have died for our country; Memorial Day.  This holiday may go back as far as ancient Greece, at least the idea of recognizing those who have fallen in service to their countries.  As for America, 1866 is the first recognized observance, and […]

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Peace on Earth

Praying for peace on earth is a wonderful thing, but sitting in your room praying is not enough.  You see, there is already peace on earth, it is the actions of people that are not supporting peace on earth.  This is where we run into a duality of life; God, The Universe, All There Is,

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Bringing out the best

The greatest of those we call leaders have had several things in common;  they have called us forward into cooperation and called us to see the oneness in ourselves and our world.  The weakest of our leaders also have something in common; they prey upon our fears of others and play upon our lowest selves. Of course

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You are the leaders

You, yes you are the leaders on this planet.  I make this claim because here you are, taking time to learn, to grow, to listen to other ideas which you will then merge with your own ideas to become a more effective leader.  Many who would ask us to let them be our leaders spend

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