
Setting your goals

What are your goals for 2018?  Have you set your goals on becoming a better leader?  Will you become a more effective supporter?  Will you organize gatherings that will impact the world?  Is your goal to be a more active member of the chorus?  Every role has an important impact on our world.  What good […]

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You are the leaders

You, yes you are the leaders on this planet.  I make this claim because here you are, taking time to learn, to grow, to listen to other ideas which you will then merge with your own ideas to become a more effective leader.  Many who would ask us to let them be our leaders spend

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I Know it All!

OK, so here is a guy who spends two years writing a book, It’s All About Me, the Involved Observer.  The book gets published, and he starts doing workshops around the material.  Imagine his surprise when, he sits down with a group in Akron, Ohio to do the workshop and he learns there is an entirely

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