
Before you speak

Thinking before I speak has long been one of the things I have had on “to-do” list.  There are times my foot has been in my mouth so long it is starting to prune!  As usual, when I write these missives I am speaking as much, if not more so, to myself. Some “before you […]

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One of my dear friends recently gifted me with a bumper sticker that carries with it a message I dearly love; Pono.  This is one of those Hawaiian words that carries with it many subtexts depending upon its context, but generally Pono is defined as righteousness, morality, goodness, virtuous, fair and kind.  It’s context in

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Whose the boss?

Just who are you trying to please?  In other words, who is your boss?  Are you working to please someone else, or does your motivation come from trying to please yourself?    If we find ourselves trying to please others we will often be disappointed. This is where the phrase “what have you done for

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