
The Need for Approval

Here’s one of those things I am not all that proud about; my quest for approval.  Know what I mean?  When you know what is the right thing to do yet you do something else simply because you believe it is what someone else wants?  Not a great feeling is it. Humans are, by nature, […]

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Be not afraid

I heard this morning that someone has counted 365 instances in the King James Bible the phrase “Be Not Afraid.”  This makes it the most common teaching in the entire scriptures. Even if the count is off a little, the idea that we are advised to not be afraid so frequently in one of the

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Lack and Limitation

I come from Southern California where we are in a severe water situation.  At least once a month, it seems, we are told the gas prices are going up because of one thing or another, we deal with rolling power shortages frequently too.  You may not be from SoCal, but I am certain that somewhere

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Body Image

It’s no secret, one of the most insidious things to overcome is our own image of our bodies.  Does this seem superficial to you?  Nothing is superficial when it works right to the depths of how we feel about ourselves. As with so many of our “issues” the idea of how our body should look

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