
Sometimes you just have to stop

There comes a time when the best thing one can do is simply stop.  As much as we may want to continue a project, doing so is a fight that requires too many compromises.  The level of frustration begins to overwhelm us when we attempt to push-on-through regardless of the cost.  At these times you […]

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Where are you going?

Head down, shoulder to the grindstone, keep plodding, don’t give up.  These are wonderful suggestions for life, that is until we discover we have been so focused on the individual steps we take in life, that we have forgotten why we are taking those steps in the first place. The parent who willingly works long

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Finding a balance

Put a bunch of Bear Energy people together in one room and it is a beautiful thing; boisterous and physical to be sure, but still a beautiful thing.  Now, put a group of Butterfly Energy people in one room it is also beautiful; chattery and touchy, yet still beautiful.  Now, if you gather both the

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Help, I am disconnected!

I started to post this blog last night only to discover my server was down.  Is this the modern equivalent of the old “the dog ate my homework?”  Even a low-tech savvy person such as myself can feel disconnected when this happens; what must it be like for someone who takes instant communication not only

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