
I want more!

You work hard.  You come through in a pinch.  Your co-workers and upper level management know you can be counted upon to do the right thing.  So how come there is so little joy from your work?  This is not an experience unique to you.  And this feeling is not restricted to people in large firms: the same experience is […]

I want more! Read More »

Forever Young

Is it impossible to be forever young?  Yes it is; at least in concept.  You see every three days our body changes over our cells, out with the old, in with the new.  We see the same process being used in stem cell work. Stem cells are non-specific in what they do.  They can be

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I am not feeling my best.

For some time now I have been offering my views on how we can live our lives more joyfully, in a more in-powered manner.  I guess one might get the idea that I view myself as perfect, and example to be emulated.  Well, that is simply not so.  I got a gentle reminder this weekend

I am not feeling my best. Read More »