
Forgiving myself

I am in the process of forgiving myself for not posting three blogs last month.  Over the years I have been pretty good at maintaining that pace of writing, but last week, well, there were airplanes, relationship things to maintain and post vacation fatigue.  As I look at this explanation I realize these were simply […]

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Listening Ahead

When I find myself listening to some else speak one of the things I have to remind myself not to do is to listen ahead.  Not to shut out what is being said in favor of reaching my own conclusions before the other person is finished saying what they have to say. In my book Bear

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Our Journey

What is the purpose of life?  Why do we walk this planet?  What is happiness?  Philosophers over the eons have pondered these questions; poets and romantics have filled countless volumes with their thoughts too.  Do you have an answer to these questions you are comfortable about?  The reason I ask is because it is my

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