dumb luck


Whether or not Albert Einstein actually uttered the words “There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is.” is not essential to this discussion  (although it would be delightful if it were true) because it does lead us to thinking about […]

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Looking for a miracle

Are you looking for a miracle right now?  Where are you looking?  Do you think the age of miracles has passed? Take a moment and think about that breath you just took.  The air comes in your face, goes to your lungs and oxygenates your blood.  If you just put air in your blood it

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Credit where credit is due

“There is no I in team”, “together we accomplish more”, do you have your favorite quote about working together? Look on the HR wall, you will probably see many more sayings which remind us success is the product of many hands (and failure is an orphan.) We just celebrated Thanksgiving, and hopefully we all took

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