
Listening Ahead

When I find myself listening to some else speak one of the things I have to remind myself not to do is to listen ahead.  Not to shut out what is being said in favor of reaching my own conclusions before the other person is finished saying what they have to say. In my book Bear […]

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We depend upon consistency in our lives.  We crave being able to be confident that people around us will be consistent in what they are telling us, how they will react to situations as well as their viewpoints.  We build our world around these “Knowns.”  Problem is; people change their minds, people change their views,

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In the book It’s All About Me I have an entire chapter about the pitfalls of Assumptions and Expectations I think you will enjoy, and Don Miguel Ruiz also wrote of Assumptions as his third agreement in the book The Four Agreements.   How many times have assumptions become the bane of your experience? How many

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Is it too simple to be true?

The theory of Occum’s Razor which dates back to the 1300’s is that “among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” Obviously we cannot date this idea to a specific point in time, we can presume people understood this long before an English Franciscan friar put it into a form we

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Last time we discussed expectations and how they can blow up in our faces.  There is a companion to expectations which is just as fraught with danger.  I speak of Assumptions.  If I assume you are going to do something: if I assume you understand what I just said: If I assume you are in

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