
Thanksgiving and Passover

Twenty-four hours to Thanksgiving 2018.    Being a Gentile, the similarities of Thanksgiving and  the Jewish celebration of Passover had not occurred to me before today.  As I researched the similarities I was reminded that there is very little in our experience that does not have a precedent. Linking the celebrations Of course Thanksgiving is […]

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In memory of…

This Monday we in the U.S. will be in memory of those who have died for our country; Memorial Day.  This holiday may go back as far as ancient Greece, at least the idea of recognizing those who have fallen in service to their countries.  As for America, 1866 is the first recognized observance, and

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Taking the next step

Our minds can only take us so far in this journey we have embarked upon, the rest takes the heart.  Our mind will help us resolve simple questions.  It will help us balance our checkbooks, but it will not resolve the most pressing issues of our lives.  That takes the heart.  While so many things

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But HE did….

A long time ago my parents made it very clear to me that just because someone else did something, it was no reason for me to do it too.   All too often on my newsfeed I see people pointing fingers to try to justify their own thoughtless, mean and greed-driven actions by saying others

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Crazy is as Crazy does

What is crazy?  Is crazy taking a chance on a new way of doing things?  Is crazy stepping into a new relationship when the last relationship went so badly, is crazy simply seeing other people as simply living their experience as best as they can without wanting to “help” them do it “right?” People with

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