

I have the greatest possible respect for what is called the Scientific Method.  This is where, to be considered true, a result must be verified, quantifiable and repeatable.  This weeds-out those accidental occurrences and false leads.  Yet so much of what we experience in our lives; the lessons we learn, could not withstand the scrutiny […]

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What we become

Modern age mystic and teacher Emma Curtis Hopkins wrote “We become what we associate with.”  How powerful is this thought! Take a moment and look around your life; you will find you associate closely with those who reflect your values.  This is a little easier to identify in other people than it is in our own

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Increase your inner world

There is pure magic in increasing your inner world, and by that I mean the part of you which is more capable of giving and receiving love, the part of you which knows you are worthy of all the good the Universe has to offer.  The magic is that the more you increase your inner world,

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