
Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned […]

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Going with the flow

Going with the flow does not necessarily mean accepting anything other than what you want.  It does not mean letting others walk all over you either.  What going with the flow means most often is finding the blessing within any experience. How do we balance these thoughts? How do we still get the things we

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I’ve got an idea!

I’ve got an idea!  This is the greatest idea ever, it will save the company (or our family, or our program) so much!, then you present the idea and it falls on deaf ears, it is like we are speaking a dead language.  How deflating that can be, and often we respond with anger, or

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