
Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned […]

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Everything changed

December 7, 1972 everything about living on planet Earth changed.  On that day 48 years ago, astronauts aboard Apollo 17 took an image that has become one of the most reproduced images in human history.  Known as The Blue Marble this image, for the first time in human history reminded us of two things.  The

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Remember these things

Do a thousand wonderful deeds plus one not so wonderful deed and what will you remember?  The one deed that did not live up to your own standards. The monkey mind We humans are so wonderful.  We do good things all the time, as we should.  We help others, we give to charity, we raise children

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Creatures of habit

Yep, humans are creatures of habit.  Why?  According to a book I am reading it is because thinking makes our brains use calories, and our self-protection mechanisms are built to conserve calories.  I guess that is why it is so hard to lose that stubborn fat around our middle section! The book I am reading

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On-line scams

On-line scams are out there, and yes, even spiritual people can be drawn into the craziness.  The power of these things is that somewhere inside ourselves we want something for nothing.  The trap for spiritual people is that we tend to look at the world from a place of love rather than suspicion. Jaded vs

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But did you hear me?

We define hearing as actually listening. Most of us would consider ourselves pretty good listeners.  Unfortunately what we most often do is quite the opposite of being good listeners.  Rather than actually listen for content, we most often listen to comment.  Our partners speak, but we do not hear their message, we only hear the

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One can learn much from looking at the popular culture of a country, or generation.  Take, for instance, the popularity of zombies among a certain demographic of the United States.  How many movies, television shows and halloween costumes are zombie oriented?  What this reflects about this demographic (and I say this without judgement) is a

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Finding Your Own Level

Well, just like about a billion of my closest friends I just finished watching the Super Bowl.  Team favorites aside, the lesson on display during the last half of the game was one to remember.  Down by over 20 points, history against them, odds against them, statistics against them, the Patriots never the less tied the

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Listen to the Message

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr day here in the U.S. which is a problem for some of us.  MLK was no saint in his personal life, there is no doubt about that, but his, sometimes, less than perfect actions should not interfere with his message of harmony and oneness.   Few of the

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One of my dear friends recently gifted me with a bumper sticker that carries with it a message I dearly love; Pono.  This is one of those Hawaiian words that carries with it many subtexts depending upon its context, but generally Pono is defined as righteousness, morality, goodness, virtuous, fair and kind.  It’s context in

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