
Covid Hangover

Now that so many of us are being vaccinated one issue remains to be faced; the Covid Hangover. The Covid Hangover in action I remember when the shut-down began, just as you do.  I was in Japan with my beautiful bride Terrie who was just beginning her Spring Tour as Lady Ashtar.  The U S […]

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Control is a wonderful thing, most of the time.  As we deepen into our Spiritual Selves we learn to control our former urges to say hurtful things, we learn to control our baser instincts, our tempers, and so many other things.  We call this good. On the flip side; if we attempt to control the

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Each of us has habits we wanted to break.  Smoking, eating, love life, driving; habits abound in our lives.  Some habits support our well-being, like how we choose to eat, how we choose to exercise, or how we choose to deal with other people. Other habits simply drag us down, cost us money, and generally

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Making a turn-around

How many times have you decided enough is enough, you are through with this type of relationship; a relationship with a person, a relationship with food, or a relationship with an behavior, and you decide this is it, from now on you will not do or be that anymore.  You begin to make the changes

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