
Our relationship to life

We define relationship as involvement with something or someone else. There are two kinds of people.  The first kind of person thinks there are two kinds of people.  The second kind knows there are as many kinds of people as there are people!   For the first group life must be defined as “Them or […]

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But, what if…

But what if our view of a situation is incorrect; not because we are wrong, but simply because we are not seeing the whole picture?   But what if we are viewing events not as they are today, but through the lens of things that happened years ago? But what if we did not truly

But, what if… Read More »


For the past three days my Lady and I have been in Delhi, India.  As you might expect there is so much to see, so much to do and a veritable avalanche of input in this ancient city.  One thing we have had to deal with is coming to terms with this totally different environment.  Poverty,

Cooperation Read More »