
Solutions which aren’t

Why is it we work so hard to come up with solutions to problems only to have them fail?  Because too often we are not working on the CAUSE of the problem, we are dealing with the EFFECT of the problem. Think about going to a Doctor because we are having stomach problems.  the good […]

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Healing ourselves

We often hear or speak about “healing ourselves”, which is a wonderful concept, once we understand what it is we want to heal.  That is the power of having a doctor look at us when we don’t feel well.  Some of us try to look-up on-line what is “wrong” with us and get so caught

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The beauty of nothingness

This weekend I was in Phoenix, Arizona to receive my Doctor of Divinity.  From my home on the California shoreline to Phoenix I had to cross hundreds of miles of “barren desert.”  How easy it is to overlook the beauty of that barrenness, that nothingness.   On first glance it is easy to miss the

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