Sometimes you just have to stop

There comes a time when the best thing one can do is simply stop.  As much as we may want to continue a project, doing so is a fight that requires too many compromises.  The level of frustration begins to overwhelm us when we attempt to push-on-through regardless of the cost.  At these times you just have to stop.


There is a difference between stopping for the good of the goal and stopping because we are lazy, or afraid.  This is when your powers of discernment come into play.  You know, inside yourself,  if you are stopping to create a better outcome or if you are stopping because it’s just too much work.  Do not allow yourself to justify yourself out of a corner, justification is not your friend.

For example

Like many people, I have a love/anger thing with my computers.  By no means am I an expert in the use of these 21st Century essentials.  That I can communicate with with the world from my desk in Southern California is an amazing thing.  That about a billion connections within the computer have to be working perfectly all the time is frustrating.  Sometimes the only thing I can do to  make sure what I am doing comes out right is to stop, and pick up the project later. Most of the time, the break, I can come back renewed and focused.  Sometimes I just abandon the project.

Developing Discernment

In my book It’s All About Me, the Involved Observer, I have several processes to help develop discernment.  The truth is, almost anything that benefits from making a conscious choice to stop begins within ourselves.  When is it best to take a break and begin again later?  When our own thinking process is clouding our choices.  This is a classic case of being the Involved Observer and you can learn more in IAAM, available on Amazon Books, or by clicking the link below.

The Involved Observer