The pool of love

Love as a goal.

Love is like a pool of water.  We see ourselves reflected in that pool.  There is nothing greater than having the best parts of ourselves reflected back to us.  When we truly commit to another person, we must do so with full appreciation of who we, ourselves, are.  To truly commit to another person we must first love ourselves.   That other person is bringing out the very best in us, paving the way for us to reach the new heights of  possibility.  If we do not even like ourselves first, having to see those parts of you which displease you reflected, will destroy a relationship.

The reality.

There is an other side to this experience as well.   The people we do not feel so warm and fuzzy about are also calling us to reach new heights of possibility.  He, she or they, are calling us to rise above our pettiness, our idea that we can only love one way and no other.  Those for whom we do not especially care are mirroring to us parts of ourselves we do not especially care for in addition to the parts we do embrace.  You see, we cannot recognize in others what is not alive somewhere within ourselves.

We cannot deepen the pool for ourselves without first draining our pool of dislike for others.  Remember being head over heals for someone for the first time?  The entire world seemed brighter.  There were fewer things which bothered us.  The sun shone brighter, our steps seemed lighter.   When we turned our eyes from the perfection of our own lives, the traffic got more troublesome.  People seemed less kind.  What we felt for that other person seemed just a little less shiny.  When we drain our pool of dislike, our pool of love gets deeper.

A recipe for fuller relationships.

Here is my simple recipie for deeper love in all your relationships; Love more, dislike less.  

Learn to love yourself more, read Think, Believe, Receive Three Steps to an amazing life.  For a sample or to order now, click the book cover below.

Think Believe Receive