
The root of suffering

According to Buddha the root of all suffering is attachment.  Many people have the mistaken impression that attachment is limited to being attached to our material things, but it is more wide ranging. What is suffering? Suffering is that mental anguish which accompanies the drama of life.  Drama is the after effect of trying to […]

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Slippery Slope

When we set out to deprive someone else of the rights we enjoy, we end up denying those very same rights to ourselves. I was recently going through some old notes for talks I have given and came across a list that showed how the concept of “Do Unto Others What You Would Have Done

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Defending Myself

It seems to me that almost every conflict stems from feeling the need to defend ourselves.  I say “feeling the need” to defend ourselves; very often there is no need to defend ourselves, it sometimes just feels that way.  This stems from an insistence that we must be right and someone else must be wrong.

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Your Magnificence

We are taught, by well meaning people to be sure, that when someone gives us praise such as “you are so beautiful” or “you have a knack for this” that we are to decline the praise.  We are taught that it is considered egotistical to say something like “yes, I am beautiful” even though we

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