
Zero sum thinking

In a recent blog I wrote about Zero Sum thinking.  Briefly stated zero sum thinking is that if you win, I must lose. Think, Believe, Receive My first published book was called Think, Believe, Receive.  Since the time I wrote it I have updated the book and added a new title; Think, Believe, Receive 2.0. […]

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Just because I am Spiritual

I know that some people think that being Spiritual is the same as being religious.  They think being Spiritual means being blissed-out all the time, or having a strict, inflexible code of behavior I want everyone to follow.  Please allow me to attempt to dissuade you from that belief. What being Spiritual is Being Spiritual

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Sentient Beings

Sentient beings are anything that perceives or feels.  Does this mean that only humans are sentient?  Let me ask you; does a pet perceive anything? Does a tree or plant feel anything?  Quite obviously, both feel and perceive.   Our limited awareness Homo Sapiens are at the top of the food chain, so we often

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Seeing the future

Would you like to know what the future holds for you?  Just once wouldn’t you like to know if you should take this action as opposed to that action and know, simply know how things would turn out?   The future is in flux If you have experienced an astrological reading and the astrologer is

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Paying for it again

How many times do we find ourselves paying for what we have done?  I have to honestly admit that in the past I have done things that would have sent me to jail had I been caught.  I have not always treated others as I would like to have been treated either.  The question is;

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Commitment for success.

You have made a commitment to do or be something; something very special to your heart. Then you behave or do things contrary to that commitment.  How can you expect the Universe to assist you in manifesting that dream if you project something different? How we send conflicting messages. “Dress for the job you want,

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You say you want to do or be something; something very special to your heart, but then you behave or do things contrary to that dream.  How can you expect the Universe to assist you in manifesting that dream if you project something different? “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”

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I will be happy when…

The rage we see displayed through the media today; the rage from people of all walks of life makes me think of this simple phrase: I will be happy when…  when what?  When all the Jews are gone?  Then who will we turn on.  When all the people of color are gone?  Then who will

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Pop Physchology

The ideas I write about are, for the most part, what is sometimes dismissed as Pop Physchology.  Sometimes I hear people deriding this way of thinking as shallow, simple and child-like.  You know, I am good with that, because the truth is, these ideas are simple and childlike, but they are far from simple!  Who

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Two way street

Communication with the Universe, that part of us that is always there, always speaking to us, is a two way street.  We may think of this voice as our sub-conscious, or our angels, or our conscience, but it is always there, always guiding, supporting and loving us. This voice is not only helping us find

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